Saturday, July 20, 2013

10 Things I've learned from 5 weeks in Haiti

  1. Never say you're not feeling well unless you know it's serious, otherwise you will absolutely get anti-inflammatories shot into your butt.
  2. I finally know why my mom forced me to take swimming lessons - so I could swim out into the ocean alone and avoid men asking where my husband is.
  3. Yawning means you're hungry. 
  4. Making a seemingly asinine statement about what a person is currently doing is a completely acceptable way to acknowledge his or her presence. (Example: You're sitting? Yeah, I'm sitting) [imagine with nods and smiles] Note: I actually really like this about Haitian culture.
  5. Every single organ of a goat is edible. And delicious. 
  6. Spaghetti is for breakfast. (See why I would love it here?)
  7. If your wrists are bleeding after you finish scrubbing your clothes, you're doing it wrong. (These women seriously have mini washing boards for hands - I just can't catch on.)
  8. Mass is two hours and contains about fifty songs. (Thank God I'm Catholic, the Baptist service is 3.5.)
  9. You can send pre-paid credit from one cellphone to another here, and people can send you a request for some. This has lead to a few awkward interactions.
  10. I can pass for a Cuban? I've been asked if I'm Cuban a few times. Might be the name. I like to think it's because of my sweet tan. Or my diabolical socialist tendencies. 

Stay tuned for Part II - What I've Learned From Teaching 

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